
作者:安徽自考网 时间:2024-08-07 阅读:1468次

2024 年4 月高等教育自学考试



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一、单项选择题:本大题共15 小题,每小题2 分,共30 分。


答题卡(纸)的相应代码涂黑。 错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。

1. Economic problems were exacerbated by three bad harvests(1959-1961) with the result that

national income and the volume of foreign trade contracted during 1960-1962.

A. increased B. reduced C. expanded D. enlarged

2. But every provincial capital is doing its best to attract foreign investment.

A. draw in B. repel C. exclude D. destroy

3. After a slowdown through 1990, China􀆳s economy bounced back mightily, reaching a recent peak

of 13 per cent growth last year.

A. shrank B. rebounded C. dropped D. drew back

4. Aggregate output for developing countries advanced by slightly less than 2 per cent during 1991,

implying an easing in per capita income of 0. 1 per cent.

A. stagnated B. fell C. stopped D. grew

5. The opening themes of the new administration􀆳s trade policies emerged this week.

A. ideas B. men C. studies D. numbers

6. Europeans will wake up new year􀆳s day with the same 10 per cent unemployment and doubts

about European unity.

A. questions B. be certain C. trusts D. believes

7. Japan􀆳s government is deeply opposed to what America􀆳s trade representative, Mickey Kantor, has

called a new policy geared to “quantifiable results” for some products.

A. generally B. averagely C. suddenly D. very

8. Our future lies in becoming a truly global company.

A. trustily B. artificially C. falsely D. really

9. It involves a $ 1350 million onshore gas project.

A. contains B. excludes C. overcomes D. removes

10. As a result the world is now close to concluding the Uruguay round of GATT talks.

A. disputes B. problems C. negotiations D. fights

11. Over five years some 200 Swiss companies benefited from Northrop􀆳s assistance.

A. suffered B. injured C. damaged D. profited

12. If these products live up to their early performance in test markets-a big if-they could produce

$3 billion a year in retail sales.

A. resist B. reject C. short of D. fulfill

13. Each consumer in Hong Kong eats an average of 215 fresh eggs each year.

A. newly produced B. preserved C. dyed D. rotten

14. One key commodity, sugar, has recovered.

A. goods B. sweet C. service D. price

15. Sterling􀆳s decline lent some support to the base metal sector.

A. beat B. borrowed C. gave D. failed

二、判断题:本大题共10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分。


Passage 1

The Curtain Goes up

The central government􀆳s determination to raise the level of industrial technology is clearly

behind the decision to open the 14 coastal cities. In addition, China is now ready to spend US $14.

2 billion of its foreign-exchange reserves( which stood at US $ 16. 5 billion in June 1984) to buy

foreign technology. The Bank of China has also said that new and more flexible loan policies will

enable “ thousands” of domestic enterprises to borrow foreign exchange to import equipment and

repay in Renminbi.

The need to upgrade industrial equipment is great: official figures show that in 1980, 20% of

China􀆳s capital stock was already 10-20 years behind that of the West. Another 20%—while

technologically backward—worked well, but the remaining 60% should have been scrapped or


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