
作者:安徽自考网 时间:2023-05-27 阅读:2080次







Why I Love My Job

Ross is a public school teacher. She teaches a group of, mostly, seniors and she loves what she does.

“My job is great,” she said. “That is the only way to describe it. As teachers, we have the opportunity to completely change someone’s life by providing him or her with a good education.”

Ross moved to Austin in 1981 to attend the University of Texas. She earned a degree in math. Since her graduation, she has enjoyed teaching high school students in Texas for nearly 30 years. Over the years, she has taught every level of high school math.

“I’ve always taught high school students,” she said. “I like their energy, and I enjoy teaching seniors because they are getting ready to move on.”

Ross also believes teaching helps her keep a balance between work and life. It has allowed her to have the same work schedule as her children’s school schedule. When her sons were younger, she worked during the day while her musician husband worked at night. So daycare was never a problem. Today her two boys share the same daily schedule and the same winter, spring and summer vacations with her.

Teaching brings other benefits, too. Entry-level salaries of teachers are competitive with other fields. Teachers are also offered good retirement benefits and insurance.Due to bad economy, very few places offer a pension now and teaching is one of them,” she said.

1.Ross believes that good education can change a person’s life.



C.Not Given

2.Ross has been teaching in Austin since 1981.



C.Not Given

3.Ross is able to teach every level of high school math.



C.Not Given

4.Ross is one of the most popular teachers in her high school.



C.Not Given

5.Ross enjoys teaching high school students.



C.Not Given

6.Ross’ husband used to have a day-time job when their sons were younger.



C.Not Given

7.Ross’ two sons are interested in music.



C.Not Given

8.Ross often goes traveling with her sons during their vacations.



C.Not Given

9.New teachers earn much less than beginners in other fields.



C.Not Given

10.Because of bad economy, teachers are losing their pensions, too.



C.Not Given



Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a famous scientist. He created many theories that completely changed the way people saw our world and the universe. At first, very few scientists could understand his theories. As time passed, other scientists came to accept them.

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 and grew up in Munich. He was not a good student at school. He only did things he was interested in, like science and math.

After school, Einstein went to Switzerland and worked at the Swiss patent(专利)office in Bern. He studied what other people had invented. Later he moved to Berlin, Germany. He lived there for a long time and developed many of his scientific theories. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

In 1933, Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany. Einstein was against the Nazis and their ideas. He decided to leave Germany and go to America. When World War Ⅱ broke out in 1939, Einstein discovered that German scientists were working on a bomb. The bomb could kill thousands of people. He wrote a letter to the American president to warn him. He also suggested that the Americans start building one, too.

In 1942, the American government started a project to build the atomic bomb. Two of these bombs were dropped to end the war against Japan. Einstein was shocked when he heard the news. He wanted atomic energy to bring peace to the world.

For the last twenty years of his life, Einstein lived in Princeton. He continued his scientific work there. He died on April 18, 1955.

11.What can we know about Einstein in his childhood?

A.He was born in Munich, Germany.

B.He was a straight-A student at school.

C.He was asked to leave school.

D.He was interested in science subjects.

12.In which country did Einstein develop many of his theories?





13.Einstein decided to leave for the United States because he______.

A.was opposed to the Nazis

B.could find a better job there

C.wanted to get away from wars

D.was invited by the US government

14.When Einstein learned about the bombs dropped on Japan, he felt______.





15.What can be inferred about Einstein from the passage?

A.He had many followers when he was in Switzerland.

B.He earned a Nobel Prize after World War II.

C.He spent his late days in Germany.

D.He was a peace-loving person.



Jungle Highway

Central Brazil has been invaded(入侵)by engineers and construction workers. They have cut through the Amazon jungle to build a new road across Brazil.

The new road is called the Trans-Amazon Highway. It links the cities of Brazil’s east coast with another highway that stretches to the Pacific. The highway connects cities all over Brazil with new settlements in central Brazil.

Brazilians are both hopeful and anxious about the highway project. The land of northeastern Brazil is dry. It is difficult for the people to grow enough food or make enough money. They expect the new highway to provide new farmland and many jobs. They also expect new towns and cities to develop along the highway. They believe people will move from the coastal cities and help develop central Brazil.

The highway is a great challenge to Brazilian engineering. Huge cutting machines are used to clear away thick jungle growth. There are other challenges, too. Workers have to deal with heavy rains, biting insects, diseases and loneliness. They do not bring their families with them. They often miss their families and friends at home.

Ecologists(生态学家)are worried about problems the new highway has brought. The rainforest has only a thin layer(层)of rich soil. This layer has been protected by tall trees and fed by dead leaves and plants. But construction is destroying the forest. The trees have been cleared away to make room for the road and new settlements. Ecologists believe there will be no good farmland. Already, some areas of the jungle have turned into dry and dusty deserts.


16.Paragraph ①:_____.


18.Paragraph ③:_____.

19.Paragraph ④:_____.

20.Paragraph ⑤:_____.

A. Description of the highway

B. Difficulties of the project

C. Invasion of the Amazon jungle

D.Life in the jungle

E. Ecologists’ worries

F. Brazilians’ expectations


21. Trees in the jungle have been cut_____.

22. People in northeastern Brazil expect the highway_____.

23.Brazilians hope that_____.

24. Road workers often feel lonely because_____.

25. Ecologists are worried that_____.

A. to make room for a highway project

B. central Brazil will be developed

C. they leave their families behind

D. the forest is destroyed

E. people will suffer from more diseases

F. to bring them more money



First-born Children

How do first-born children differ from later-born children? Hundreds of experiments have shown that the eldest child tends to be more careful, more eager for success, and more anxious.26_____He avoids dangerous sports like football and soccer.

One thing seems certain: first-borns have a good start in life. They are no more intelligent. But they are better readers as children. They do better in high school. They get better grades on school tests. More first-borns go to colleges and graduate schools.27_____ They dominate(占优势)in graduate schools. They account for more than a third of doctors, lawyers and college professors. More first-borns become famous people in the world.

One reason for differences between older and younger children is that parents treat them differently. Many parents usually favor the eldest because everything he does is a novelty(新奇). First-borns tend to be breast-fed longer.They are photographed endlessly. 28_____First-borns are also given more responsibility because the mother needs them to help with the younger ones.

29_____Sometimes it is simply because families cannot afford to send more than one child to college.

30_____The first-born child provides the first vehicle by which parents can continue their own identities and realize their hopes and dreams. All in all, it seems that first-borns are not only teachers’ pets, but parents’ pets as well.

A. He is also more sensitive to pain.

B. Many parents simply expect more of the first child.

C. They account for 66% of the students in top US universities.

D.Later-borns have valuable qualities that many first-borns lack.

E. But later-borns are lucky to appear in group pictures.

F. In certain cultures, the eldest should enjoy special educational advantages.



Building Trust in Teamwork

Trust is important for teamwork. Teens must learn to trust each other to work towards a common 31_______.

For one activityput the teens into 32_______.One is blindfolded(蒙住眼睛).Use rings to 33_______ mines(地雷)in a certain area. The seeing partner stands on the 34_______ side of the field. He must direct his partner across the mine field safely. The point is to see how 35_______ their chosen form of communication is.

For another activity, 36_______ the whole group an un-assembled(未组装的)tent. Tell them they are in Antarctica and 37_______ survived a snowstorm. The team leader has his hands hurt and cannot 38_______. Half the team have been blinded by 39_______ and the other half have lost their voices.They must work 40_______,listen to their leader and trust each other to quickly put the tent together for survival.


B. effective

C. effort

D give

E. goal

F. help



I. represent

J. snow

K. difficult

L. Together



The Origin of Birthday Cake

The words for “cake” and “bread” were practically (practical) the same in early Europe. The only 41_______(differ)was that cakes were sweet. In the 15th century,42_______(baker)came up with the idea of 43_______(sell) cakes for people’s birthdays and their weddings. Since the cakes were 44_______(usual) used for the birthdays of young children, these celebrations were 45_______(refer) to as children’s festival. During this period, people began to put new ingredients(成分)into cakes to make them 46_______sweetand less bread-like.

During the 17th centurybirthday cakes were a luxury(奢侈品). Only the very 47_______(wealth) could afford them. During the 48_______(Industry)Revolution, materials and tools became more advanced and more 49_______(easy) acquired.As a result, the price of birthday cakes became 50_______(accept) to the masses.



51.某英文报社邀请你参加题为“Where do you prefer to livein a city or in the countryside?”的征文活动。










1.A 【解析】从第二段第三句“we have the opportunity to completely change someone’s life by providing him or her with a good education.”(我们有机会通过为某人提供良好的教育来彻底改变他的生活。)可知,本题正确。

2.B 【解析】根据第三段可知,Ross1981年搬到奥斯汀,就读于德克萨斯大学。毕业后,她在德克萨斯州教高中生近30年,因此本题错误。

3.A 【解析】根据第三段最后一句可知,多年来,Ross教授了高中各个层次的数学,因此本题正确。

4.C 【解析】文中并未提到Ross是她所在高中最受欢迎的老师之一,因此本题选C

5.A 【解析】根据第四段第一句可知,她一直教高中数学,因此本题正确。

6.B 【解析】根据第五段第三句可知,儿子们小的时候,她白天工作,而她的音乐家丈夫晚上工作,因此本题说法错误。

7.C 【解析】文中并未提及Ross的儿子们是否对音乐是否感兴趣。

8.C 【解析】文中并未提及Ross经常在假期跟儿子们一起旅行。

9.B 【解析】根据最后一段第二句可知,教师的入门级工资与其他领域相比具有竞争力,因此本题说法错误。

10.B 【解析】根据最后一段最后一句可知,即使经济不景气,教师仍然会有养老金,所以本题说法错误。



11.D 【解析】根据第二段最后一句可知Einstein只做他感兴趣的事情,比如科学和数学,因此D项正确。

12.C 【解析】根据第三段第三句和第四句可知,Einstein后来搬到了德国柏林,他在那里住了很长时间,发展了许多科学理论,C项正确。

13.A 【解析】根据第四段第二句和第三句可知,Einstein反对纳粹及其思想,他决定离开德国去美国。A项正确。

14.B 【解析】根据第五段第三句可知,Einstein听到这个消息时感到震惊,shock=surprise震惊,惊讶,B项正确。

15.D 【解析】根据第五段最后一句可知,Einstein希望原子能给世界带来和平,D项符合题意



16.C 【解析】第一段的意思是巴西中部被工程师和建筑工人入侵了。他们穿越亚马逊丛林,修建了一条横穿巴西的新公路。本段的中心词是invadedthe Amazon jungle,故选CInvasion of the Amazon jungle

17.A 【解析】第二段主要对公路进行了介绍,故选A


19.B 【解析】第四段的中心句是第一句,意思是这条公路对巴西工程来说是一个巨大的挑战。后文补充说明了建造这天铁路的具体困难,故选B

20.E 【解析】第五段的中心句是第一句,意思是生态学家担心新公路带来的问题,故选E


22.F 【解析】根据第三段可知,巴西东北部的人期望有更多的农田和就业机会,期望新城镇和城市能够发展,这些期望都是为了能够挣更多的钱,故选F

23.B 【解析】根据第三段最后一句可知,巴西人相信人们将从沿海城市迁出,帮助巴西中部的发展,故选B

24.C 【解析】根据第四段最后两句可知,修路工人们没有带家人一起去,他们常常想念家里的家人和朋友。

25.D 【解析】根据最后一段可是,生态学家担心亚马逊丛林被毁掉了。



26.A 【解析】第一段根据上下文,数百项实验表明,年龄最大的孩子往往更小心,更渴望成功,更焦虑,以及他避免进行危险的运动,如足球和足球可知,空出应该是与危险运动所导致的伤害有关,故选A

27.C 【解析】第二段主要讲初生子女更优秀,做得更好。空处前面一句讲更多的初生子女进入大学和研究生院,后面一句讲他们在研究生院上占主导地位,所以C项他们占美国顶尖大学学生的66%,符合题意。

28.E 【解析】第三段主要讲了父母对待第一个孩子与其他孩子的不同之处,父母会给第一个孩子拍很多照片,对比第二个孩子,他们的新鲜感也就不像第一个孩子那样了,所以就不会拍那么多的照片,故选E,后出生的孩子多少集体照了。

29.F 【解析】根据后面句意可知,有时这仅仅是因为家庭负担不起多个孩子上大学,故选F,在某些文化中,先出生的孩子享有特殊的教育优势。

30.B 【解析】根据后文意思可知,第一个出生的孩子为父母延续自己的身份,实现自己的希望和梦想提供了第一个载体,所以父母多对第一个孩子寄予厚望,故选B



31.E 【解析】common goal共同目标,goal目标。

32.H 【解析】分成两组,pair一对,一双,两。

33.I 【解析】represent代表,作为。

34.G 【解析】能看见的伙伴站在场地的对侧,opposite对面的,对立面。

35.B 【解析】根据句意关键是看他们选择的沟通方式是否有效,effective有效的,起作用的

36.D 【解析】根据句意对于另一个活动,给整个组一个未组装的帐篷。give给,交给,赠与,提供。

37.A 【解析】根据句意告诉他们,他们在南极洲,在暴风雪中几乎没有幸存下来。Barely几乎没有,几乎不,仅仅。

38.F 【解析】根据句意队长的手受伤了,所以无法帮忙。help帮助,协助。

39.J 【解析】根据句意一半的队员被雪蒙住了眼睛,另一半则声音哑了。snow雪。

40.L 【解析】work together合作,共同工作。



41.difference 【解析】本题缺少名词做主语,因填differ的名词形式,即difference

42.bakers 【解析】本空是指所有的面包师,不止一个人,所以用复数形式bakers

43.selling 【解析】of是介词,后面动词要用动名词形式,所以填selling

44.usually 【解析】副词修饰动词,所以需要填写副词形式,即usually

45.referred 【解析】本题考查被动语态,be+动词过去分词,即填referred

46.sweeter 【解析】题本考题形容词sweet的比较级,即填sweeter

47.wealthy 【解析】the wealthy富人,是固定搭配,所以填wealthy

48.Industrial【解析】Industrial Revolution工业革命,并且形容词修饰名词,要填Industry的形容词形式。

49.easily 【解析】副词修饰形容词,所以应填easily




Where do you prefer to livein a city or in the countryside

I am very glad to share my views with you “Where do you prefer to live, in a city or in the countryside”. We can not choose where we were born, but we can choose where we live during the whole life. I’d rather choose to live in a city. Because big cities have more opportunities for personal development and more modern facilities that make our lives wonderful and convenient. In addition, our horizons will be broadened and our potentials will be fully exploited before so many challenges. The traffic in the city is convenient and the medical care system is perfect, we can go to the supermarket to go shopping and see a movie in the cinema.

That’s all for my views. Thank you!


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